Colorado Fall Festivals

Adams County

Boulder County

  • Cottonwood Farms - pumpkins
    7602 Arapahoe Rd, Boulder, CO 80303. Phone: 303-545-2599. Directions: From I-25, Take highway 36 west toward Boulder. Exit at Foothills Parkway, and drive North to Arapahoe Rd. (3rd stoplight). Turn right (east) on Arapahoe, go to 75th street (3.3 miles). Turn right at the Conoco station on 75th Street -- Farm entrance is about 400 feet on the right. Click here for a map to our farm. We are open October. Our hours are: Every day in October, 10 am to 6 pm Cottonwood Farms is dedicated to sharing agricultural experiences, methods, machinery, and history. Our farm stand provides organic vegetables and our Fall Halloween Festival offers the opportunity to walk through our corn field maze, and to see farm animals and tractors (vintage and current, including our 1906 Case steam tractor), while picking a pumpkin from our pumpkin patch. Amenities include: Straw bale maze, corn maze, assorted pumpkins from mini to giant, gourds, corn stalks, straw bales, Indian corn, pumpkin carving supplies, farm animals, FUN for everyone! FREE admission
  • Dexter Farm - Pumpkins
    9307 Valmont Road, Boulder, CO. Phone: (303) 665-3969
  • Munson Farms - Pumpkins
    75th Street and Valmont Road, Boulder, CO. Phone: 303-442-5330. October 2 - October 31, 9 am to 6:30 pm. Hayrides to u-pick pumpkin patch on weekends.
  • Rocky Mountain Pumpkin Ranch - Pumpkins
    9057 Ute Hwy. (Colorado 66), Longmont, CO. Phone: (303) 684-0087

Delta County

Denver County

  • The Great Pumpkin Harvest Festival -
    Four-Mile Historic Park, 715 S. Forest Street, Denver, CO. Phone: (303) 399-1859, October 3rd from 10 am to 4 pm. Admission is free. (Not a pick your own) 4-Mile Historic Park.

Fremont County

Jefferson County

La Plata County

Larimer County

  • Lucky Bucky's - Pumpkins
    5428 S. County Rd. 3 F, Fort Collins, CO. Phone: (970) 221-5212, call for tours,

Montezuma County

  • Sunflower Farms - Pumpkins
    18737 Highway 145, Dolores, CO. Phone: (970) 882-2169, call first

Montrose County

  • DeVries Fruit & Veggie Roadside Stand / The Friend-ly Farm - pumpkins for sale in the shop or farmstand, pumpkin patch-pick in the field where they grow, corn maze, haunted corn maze, straw or hay bale maze, horse-drawn hay rides, Fall festival, Honey from hives on the farm, restrooms, picnic area (bring your own food), group reservations
    60542 Gunnison Road, Olathe, CO 81425. Phone: (970) 323-6559. Alternate Phone: (970) 209-7508. Fax: (970)323-6053. Email: [email protected]. Open: Mid September through October 31st; Every day 9 am to 5 pm. Directions: North of Montrose on highway 50 between mile markers 85 & 86. Corn maze and Pumpkin Patch For a map to our farm, click here. ;. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover. Annual Punkin Chunkin Event and Fall Festival sponsored by Olathe Fire Department held on the Last Saturday of October. (ADDED: September 12, 2018)

Weld County

  • Anderson Farms - Corn maze, pumpkin patch, hayrides, harvest festivals, haunted hayride and ghost town. Public
    restrooms, handicap access, motor coach/bus access, picnic area, food/concessions, retail/gift shop
    6728 WCR 3-one quarter, Erie, CO 80516. Phone: 303-702-1844. Fax: 303-682-9615. Email: [email protected]. Open: Fall Festival from September 23-November 1, 2015; T-e-r-r-o-r in the Corn and Zombie Paintball Hunt will open on September 25th at 7 PM; The Campfire Sites were so popular that we have added more; Please make your reservation today on our booking calendar, as the dates are filling up quickly. Directions: I-25 to Exit 235 (Hwy. 52). Go west 3 1/2 miles to Rd. 3 1/4 and go north about 1/2 mile. Go to our website for map and driving directions or Click here for a mapquest map to our farm. . 30 acre corn maze, 6.9 miles of trail, wagon rides, huge playground, farm animals, barrel train, human hamster wheels. Tons of fun for all ages.
  • Miller Farms Corn Maze & Fall Festival - Fall Festival, harvest your own produce, pumpkin patch, petting zoo, corn maze, hay maze, hayrides, jumping pillow, monster truck, fi re truck, pedal cars, antique tractor display
    9040 Hwy. 66, Platteville, CO. Phone: (970) 785-6133. Email: [email protected]. Open: Labor Day - Mid-November, daily, 9 am to 6 pm. Directions: I-25 to Exit 243, east 5 miles on Hwy. 66. Also lots of cool and family oriented activities. Fun for everyone. Admission includes all activities at the farm! School and group rates available. Please call or go to our web site. Our Fall Harvest Festival celebrates the season with a one of a kind experience. Each year, Miller Farms is pleased to work with thousands of individuals and school children to show folks of all ages what happens on a real working farm. Many people don’t realize that their food comes from a farm or that it just doesn’t appear in their local market. Our fall festival gives everyone the opportunity to not only explore the farm, but to also harvest their own vegetables! During the fall harvest, everyone takes a tractor ride to our fields with stops along the way to pick their own vegetables. They’ll get the fun and educational experience of putting their hands in the dirt, and the rewarding benefit of picking fresh produce to take home to their families. All of our activities and harvesting are included in the cost of admission. Begin your day with a visit to our petting zoo, followed by navigating your way through our corn maze. Visit ‘Antique Alley’ and enjoy your lunch in our picnic area, where we’ve got dozens of covered tables set up for your convenience. We have trash barrels and washing stations throughout, as well as several portable restrooms. Take our hayride through 180 acres of fields where you can pick your own vegetables—potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, Indian corn, squash, peppers, and the list goes on! You may even get your very own pumpkin to take with you. If you aren’t up to picking your own, we always have plenty of produce on hand in the roadside stand. We also have our chile roaster going for a wonderful treat! We do offer snacks, drinks and other delicious treats. Besides the hayride that takes you to the fields to harvest, there are tons of other activities for you and the kids. We have a giant “Croc-pit” (imagine thousands and thousands of chopped-up Crocs in a giant pile-o-fun), corn maze, kids play areas, antique tractors, peddle tractors, a hay pyramid, a petting zoo and lots of other cool activities. (UPDATED: June 28, 2018, JBS)


  • Tigges Farms - Pumpkins
    12404 W.C.R. 64 1/2, Greeley, CO. Phone: (970) 686-2836 or (970) 686-7863
  • October 16: Pumpkin Festival - Cortez: First Annual Pumpkin Festival in the Dance Plaza at the Cortez Cultural Center. Hayrides, seed spitting, pumpkin carving, and all kinds of games. 10 am to 4 pm. (970) 565-1151
  • October 21-23: Plumb Pumpkin Patch - Greeley: Participants choose a pumpkin grown on the farm, then paint or carve the pumpkin and decorate a mask.10 am to 1 pm & 4-7 pm. Plumb Farm Museum, 955 39th Ave. (970) 350-9220
  • October 22-23: Haunted Gardens - Greeley: Walk a paved ½-mile haunted trail out in the woods! The trail takes about 30 minutes to walk and it is not for the faint of heart! You will be scared, you will run, you may even cry out! 100% of the proceeds raised from the event supports charities throughout Greeley and Weld County. So come out, support your community and have fun doing it! Also, look for a special fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club of Weld County! through all 3 Greeley Pizza Hut locations. GM Houston Gardens, Boys & Girls Club. 7-11 pm. (970) 353-4837
  • October 22-31: Boo at the Zoo - Colorado Springs: Weekends only. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. (719) 633-9925
  • October 22-23, 29-30: Haunted Hayrides - Leadville: Rides start at dark and continue every hour at Mega Mountain Magic. Laka Daza Livery, Highway 24 north off East Tennessee Road follow signs. (719) 486-4570 or (719) 486-8236
  • October 29: Minnequa Medicenter nursing home presents a Halloween Carnival with safe trick or treating at 2701 California, Pueblo, CO. Contact 719-561-1300. We will have food, games, costume contests, giant bouncers and of course, candy!!
  • October 30: Fourth Annual Pumpkin Patch - Leadville: At the Sixth Street gym. Admission is free. Games & Prizes, Pumpkins & gourds for sale, Raffle, Bake Sale and Costume Contest. (719) 486-5872
  • October 31: Durango. 7 pm. Scary Stories from Around the World. Storyteller Sara Ransom, plus slides of actual ghosts by photographer Michael Richard. Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave, Durango, CO. $5. 970-247-5718.
  • October 31: Trick or Treat Street - Leadville: West 7th Street Halloween Party. A safe way for children to Trick or Treat. (719) 486-4282
  • October 30: Downtown Spooktacular - Grand Junction: Kids can go from business to business trick or treating, vendor trick-or-treating, Pumpkin Painting, Halloween! Cookie Decorating, Costume Contest and Parade. Downtown. (970) 245-96 97
  • October 30: 4th Annual Halloween Hullabaloo - Estes park: A fun day of Halloween-centered activities for kids at the Museum, the Library, the YMCA, & Stanley Museum. The Museum will host a Spooky Scavenger Hunt in the dark (bring your flashlights!) from 11 am to 3:30 pm.
  • October 30-31: Boo at the Zoo - Denver: The Denver Zoo transforms into a haunted park filled with mysterious creatures and fun for tiny trick-or-treaters. (303) 376-4800
  • October 31: Munchkin Masquerade - Boulder: Trick or treat on the Pearl Street Mall. Costumed children (ages 0-8) are invited to stroll the for goodies and enjoy the various activities along the way. Meet at the Daily Camera for a picture, goodie bag and a balloon. Free. (303) 449-3774
  • December 15-16, 22-23, 29-30: Harvest Fest & T-e-r-r-o-r in the Corn - Greeley: Huge corn maze, wagon rides, human hamster wheels, farm animals, kiddie korral, general store, great food, and more! T-e-r-r-o-r in the Corn & Pumpkin Creek Ghost Town - it's dark, it's eerie, it's in a cornfield, and it's just freaky! $15 for adults; $13 for kids 4-12. 10 am to 11 pm, Anderson Farms, 6728 Weld County Rd.(303) 696-6659

Do you know of any more pumpkin patches, corn mazes, or other special Halloween events? Please tell me about them - Click here to write to me!

Halloween Costumes

Here are some of the most popular Halloween costumes for children this year. For more choices, see our Halloween costumes pages.



Find Related Information and Resources Here!

Here's the quick list to related farms for PYO, Honey, Pumpkins, Christmas trees, etc.:

You may find these websites useful!