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Page 3 - Make Minecraft and Roblox Costumes Inexpensively!

Page 3 - Make Impressive Minecraft and Roblox Costumes for next to nothing!

Minecraft Costumes Steve and IronmanThis is Page 3 of How to make a Minecraft costume for you children.

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Boxes, body and head3. Get the Boxes, Cardboard

Everything is made from cardboard.  It is light easy to work with and generally free. Costco, Sam's Club and BJ's Warehouse have huge bins of free boxes for you to take. Aldi and many liquor stores do, too. I found very heavy-duty apple boxes at Costco that were double thickness for the bod. Of course you need a box that is also large enough to comfortable fit your child. The apple box, which is 24 inches tall  by 16 inches wide by 12 inches tall was plenty big enough for my 10 year old.

I found another box, 18 inches tall by 13 inches wide by 11 inches deep, which was perfect for my 5 year old with holes cut

4. Cut head, arm and leg holes

Start with smaller holes and gradually make them bigger, since you can't make them smaller again.  I made the head hole oval in shape, the arm holes like rounded rectangles and the leg hole just a bigBoxes with holes cut rectangle that opened up that side of the box.

I had the boys try them on for fit, then removed them and kept adjusting the holes until I got it right.

For now, we'll just do the head and body.  Arms and legs are generally much less important, and your child may not even want or need them if they just wear appropriate colored long sleeved shirt and pants. We can make the arms and legs last, if you have time and energy.





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Halloween Costumes

Here are some of the most popular Halloween costumes for children this year. For more choices, see our Halloween costumes pages.

You may find these websites useful!

Here's the quick list to related farms for PYO, Honey, Pumpkins, Christmas trees, etc.:



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